Thank an Educator



Honor your favorite Noblesville Schools staff member with our THANK AN EDUCATOR donation program!

Noblesville Schools teachers and staff are known for going above and beyond for our students. As a way to say THANK YOU, please consider a donation in their honor to the Education Foundation. Noblesville Schools Education Foundation is the district-wide nonprofit that supports Noblesville Schools’ teachers, staff and students in our school community.

With this contribution you are telling your child’s “special person” that you honor them and value education in Noblesville Schools. Your donation will be returned to the schools in the form of NSEF IMPACT GRANTS for programs and projects that cannot be funded through regular school budgets.

Your child’s “special person” will receive various gifts and notes of appreciation with this Thank an Educator gift. A “special person” can include a teacher, aide, principal, librarian, bus driver, custodian, or any other Noblesville Schools employee. They will receive a special note with your personal message and name of donor, a specific “N” branded cookie and a shout out online with our Honor Roll (social media & website).

The donation minimum to participate in our Thank an Educator program is $20 per honoree.

NSEF will handle the delivery and distribution of the following to your honoree before the end of the semester:

All donations to the Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please contact our office if you need further tax receipts.



For 2023/24 School Year