Noblesville Schools teachers and staff are known for going above and beyond for our students. As a way to say THANK YOU, please consider a donation in their honor to the Education Foundation. Noblesville Schools Education Foundation is the district-wide nonprofit that supports Noblesville Schools’ teachers, staff and students in our school community.
With this contribution you are telling your child’s “special person” that you honor them and value education in Noblesville Schools. Your donation will be returned to the schools in the form of NSEF IMPACT GRANTS for programs and projects that cannot be funded through regular school budgets.
Your child’s “special person” will receive various gifts and notes of appreciation with this Thank an Educator gift. A “special person” can include a teacher, aide, principal, librarian, bus driver, custodian, or any other Noblesville Schools employee. They will receive a special note with your personal message and name of donor, a specific “N” branded cookie and a shout out online with our Honor Roll (social media & website).
The donation minimum to participate in our Thank an Educator program is $20 per honoree.
NSEF will handle the delivery and distribution of the following to your honoree before the end of the semester:
- Specially designed card with your name (donor)
- Your customized greeting/note to the honoree
- Staff member's name listed on our Honor Roll (social media & website)
- Name entered in drawing for special gift
- Special "N" cookie from Debbie's Daughters
All donations to the Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please contact our office if you need further tax receipts.
For 2023/24 School Year
- Aaron Ayres
- Abby McKean
- Adriann Young
- Adrienne Miller
- Aimee Hensley
- Alexandra Witt
- Allison Delp
- Allison Huey
- Amanda Giordano
- Amanda Witt
- Amy Paska
- Amy Smith
- Angela Durbin
- Anne DeCocq
- April Wallace
- Ara Nelson - Mercer
- Ashley Cleverly
- Ashley Miller
- Audrey Schmatz
- Becky Porter
- Bailey Ottinger
- Barbie Inboden
- Bethany Robinson
- Bill Kenley
- Blake Raboin
- Bo Davidson
- Brad Howard
- Breanne Gartenman
- Brittany Bowers
- Brittany (Bonesho) Lawson
- Casey Rojas
- Christopher Pyle
- Colleen Jacobs
- Courtney Chamberlin
- Craig Spinner
- Cristina Cox (Miss Crissy)
- Daniel Swart
- David Ferris
- David Hartman
- Dawn Floor
- Dean Mueller
- Denise Blesssing
- Elizabeth Cowe
- Elizabeth Hoosier
- Emily Dage
- Emily Oyler
- Emily Schultz
- Erin Collier
- Erin Minnich
- Francis Ramirez
- Gina Mertens
- Greg Clouse
- Gretchen Avila
- Hanna Wartenberg
- Hayley Stone
- Heather Smith
- Heidi Foyer
- Howard Jankowski
- Ian Heraty
- Indra Blue
- Irene Krause
- Jack Lawrence
- James Axsom
- James Valmassoi
- Jamie Harris
- Jamie Weiss
- Jan Hartzell
- Janene Krent
- Janna Turner
- Jason Giordano
- Jen Thompson
- Jenna Perdue
- Jenni Gaskill
- Jennifer Clark
- Jenny Howerton
- Jessica Chambers
- Jill Maynard
- Jill Scudder
- Jim Driver bus 009
- Joe Akers
- Joe Resar
- John Neubauer
- Jonathan Nowicki
- Jordan Rattenbury
- Julie Smith
- Kaitlin Koons
- Karina Hoshiko Oyama
- Katherine Vellenga
- Katie Buschmann
- Katie Dorph
- Kay Schrage
- Kayla Hancock
- Kelly Glander
- Kelly Miliam
- Kelsey Hoffman
- Kendall Teague
- Kerry Gibbons
- Kiel Wright
- Kim Fisher
- Kristal Hendrix
- Kristen Cummings
- Kristin Cummings
- Kristin Lepley
- Kristina Johnson
- Laney Buregelin
- Lathan Stuart
- Laura Chastain
- Laura Dinius
- Laura Pinkerton
- Lauren Detrick
- Lauren Gebolys
- Leah Golland
- Lexi Ball
- Lindsey Geiselhart
- Lindsey Geiselhart
- Lisa Barthuly
- Lisa Doerr
- Lisa McFadden
- Lisa Wescott
- Liz Todd
- Lori Ritchie
- LuAnn Harger
- Ludmila Heinzman
- Lynn Cook
- Madison Arrieta
- Marc Slain
- Megan Oilar
- Megan Pampu
- Michael Marsh
- Michelle Justus Hobbs
- Mindy Carter
- Mindy Swift
- Miss Kelly McGee
- Miss Levy
- Miss Tarbox
- Mr. Fama
- Mr. Haney
- Mr. Jankowski
- Mr. Juffer
- Mr. Lawrence
- Mrs. Blackburn
- Mrs. Coolman
- Mrs. Cooper
- Mrs. Crist
- Mrs. Durst
- Mrs. Hansen
- Mrs. Harger
- Mrs. Henney
- Mrs. Hobbs
- Mrs. Howerton
- Mrs. Jacobs
- Mrs. Klee
- Mrs. Lawton
- Mrs. Leslie Ringle
- Mrs. Lilia Ramírez
- Mrs. LuAnn Harger
- Mrs. Morser
- Mrs. Desiree Pauley
- Mrs. Pauley
- Mrs. Sophia Bray
- Mrs. Stuart
- Mrs. Susan Lind
- Mrs. Todd
- Mrs. Winebar
- Mrs. Wright
- Ms. Beerbower
- Ms. Barbara Inboden
- Ms. Johnson
- Ms. Kathy
- Ms. Katherine Le Sesne
- Ms. Rogowski
- Nancy Dufinetz
- Nancy Young
- Natalie Tanchon
- Nathan Matthes
- Nicholas Stultz
- Nicole Coolman
- Nurse Lynn
- Payton Moore
- Randi Neukam
- Ray Alvey
- Rebekah Helming
- Regan Rose
- Renee Cook
- Rob Williamson
- Robin Meunier
- Ryan Bruick
- Ryan Rich
- Sam Slayers-Blount
- Samantha Deane
- Samuel Vorhees Jr
- Sarah DeSpain
- Shannon Grove
- Shelbi Smeathers
- Shelly Alexander
- Sierra Norman
- Stacey Millikan
- Stacey White
- Stacie Eller
- Stephanie Eads
- Stephanie Gilbert
- Stephen Harmas
- Steven Olsen
- Sydney Bowen
- Tammy Richardson
- Tara Kundert
- Taryn Fine
- Taryn Wilson
- Team Gateway
- Travis Owens
- Trent Shelton
- Tricia Schreck
- Twila Ploutz
- Valerie Phillips
- Victoria Hamilton
- Virginia Bushyeager
- Wendy Wright